Thursday 20 June 2013

My Information Rport


Dugongs are amazing and are terrific. The dugong used to be hunted and the population decreased. Now there is a rule not to catch them. But the dugong is still facing great danger of getting caught in fishing nets and crashing into boats. They live in hot places like Australia.

The dugongs can weigh up to 500kg and be 3m in length. They swim through the water. Their favourite food is yummy seagrass. Their habitat is in Northern Australia where they swim in the shallow waters. There they are safe from large waves and storms. This animal adapts to it’s habitat by having a thick layer of fat giving them a distinctly large posture. The Dugongs enemies are tiger shark, saltwater crocodiles, large whales and other large sharks. Female dugongs have birth underwater to a single calf every three to seven years. Birth takes place in shallow water for its first breath. Baby dugongs weigh 20-30kg. The calf stays with its mother drinking milk from her teats and following close by until 18-24 months of age. Dugongs reach adult size between 9-17 years of age, and have a similar lifespan to humans, if left alone.

Dugongs are amazing animals we don’t want to hurt them. Please don’t hunt Dugongs down because they are endangered and we want to save them.



1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun writing it my next step is to audio boo and make a powerpoint
